Tanya Hankins's Fundraiser

We can help six young women suffering from homelessness receive housing and supportive services
$10 for 10 months
Hi, my name is Tanya Hankins. I sit on the board of a very significant and impactful organization called Serenity Living Transitional Home (SLTH), a non-profit agency that offers housing and supportive services to homeless young women in the Pittsburgh area. I have personally played a part in the planning and execution of this organization. We not only offer housing for 6-8 homeless young women, but we also offer life stabilizing classes for an additional 20 youth and young adults in the area.
SLTH is an organization started two years ago by an incredibly giving and compassionate young woman by the name of Ashley Moorefield. She started SLTH with minimum funding and 75% of her program has been self-funded.
I am asking for your help in supporting something I feel very strongly about, your support of our mission by donating $10 per month for 10 months ($100 for the year), would help 26 youth and young adults receive SLTH services, for an entire year!
I thank you in advance for helping make a difference in the lives of these young women.